Single-Lady, Chocolate Chip Cookie (Vegan with GF + PB cookie variations)

Deep-Dish, Single-Lady, Salted Whole Wheat Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie (with gluten free and peanut butter cookie variations)

Damn, that’s a long title, but I think that the cookie deserves it to be honest:

You can make yourself a deep-dish, semi-healthy cookie/blondie thing for only you (so you can fix that late night cookie craving), it basically only takes 15 minutes and one dish (you mix it up in the dish it’s baked in).


So we’re doing this, yeah? You’re in. Good. Step by step I’ll take you through the ‘anatomy’, if you will, of this cookie:

Deep-dish: well, that’s what it is, it’s baked in a dish, that’s deep for a cookie! It’s more like eating a blondie to be honest, but that doesn’t sound as good..
Single-serve: it makes enough cookie for one person (if you baked it like a cookie, it’d probably be like 2 medium cookies..that’s one serving right!? right?)
Salted: salt in it, salt on it. Salt. As we all know, salty-sweet is delicious and has to come up at least twice a month.
Whole Wheat – I used whole wheat flour! Who would have even guessed? Just making it a little bit better for all of us 😉
Chocolate chip cookie – …I think you’ve got that
Vegan – not an egg in sight! I also used coconut oil to keep it vegan, but if you’re a butter person go for it, I’ve tried it and it’s just as delicious.
Gluten free variation – right, so I tried the recipe out just straight up substituting ground almonds for flour. It didn’t work out. It was incredibly delicious but more like eating caramel rather than a cookie. So I made a few changes; reducing the sugar and using almond butter instead of coconut oil (less fat = less gooey, I figured), and oat flour (just ground up oats) and it worked!
Peanut Butter Cookie variation – following on from those gluten-free adaptations to the original recipe, I used peanut butter instead of almond butter, to make a peanut butter cookie! Wooh!
-The gluten free, nut butter variation can be made using whole wheat or a.p. flour too, it’s just not as gooey as the coconut oil version.

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Single Lady Cookie-105

Healthyish Single Serve Chocolate Chip Cookie (Vegan)

A healthyish, gooey, single-serve chocolate chip cookie made with maple syrup and whole wheat flour – which happens to be vegan! You mix everything up in the dish you're going to bake in so there's minimal cleanup.
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Course: Cookies
Cuisine: American
Keywords: chocolate, chocolate chip, chocolate chip cookies, coconut oil, cookies, dairy free, egg free, single serve, small batch, vegan
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 5 minutes
Servings: 1 cookie


  • 1 1/2 tsp coconut oil or neutral oil (or butter, if not vegan)
  • 1 tbsp brown sugar or coconut sugar
  • 1 tbsp maple syrup, golden syrup or agave syrup
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/8 tsp flaky salt , (plus more for sprinkling)
  • 1/8 tsp baking powder or bicarbonate of soda
  • 2 tbsp + 2 tsp whole wheat flour
  • 1 to 2 tbsp chocolate chips or chopped chocolate (vegan if needed. I go for 70% cocoa)


  • Put the first 3 ingredients into a ramekin/any small oven proof dish thing. Put onto a baking tray and then into an oven which is preheating to 350°F (180°C), for 1 minute (just so the coconut oil melts).
    1 1/2 tsp coconut oil or neutral oil, 1 tbsp brown sugar or coconut sugar, 1 tbsp maple syrup, golden syrup or agave syrup
  • Add the vanilla, salt, baking powder, and flour – stir in (easier if your ramekin/dish has high edges. If it's too hard to mix, just pour the contents into a small bowl, mix and smooth into the ramekin/dish).
    1/4 tsp vanilla extract, 1/8 tsp flaky salt, 1/8 tsp baking powder or bicarbonate of soda, 2 tbsp + 2 tsp whole wheat flour
  • Smooth the dough in the dish and scatter over the chocolate chips, pressing them in slightly. Sprinkle on some fleur de sel and bake for 7-10 minutes, until golden brown but still squidgy in the centre. Eat while still warm.
    1 to 2 tbsp chocolate chips or chopped chocolate


YouTube video


  • MAKE AHEAD: You can make the cookie dough and leave it (covered) in the fridge for up to 3 days before baking (it improves the flavour too, as we well know!)
  • If using a neutral liquid oil instead of coconut oil or butter, you can skip the melting-in-the-oven step.
  • You can safely reduce either the sugar or maple syrup by 1 or 2 tsp, it just won’t be as soft or sweet (I like the dough sweet because I use really bitter chocolate)
Tried this recipe?Let me know how it went! Mention @izyhossack or tag #topwithcinnamon!


Gluten free single serve chocolate chip cookie:

Single Lady Cookie-4

  • replace coconut oil with 2 tsp of neutral nut butter (e.g. almond, pecan) for chocolate chip cookie, or with peanut butter for a peanut butter cookie
  • reduce brown sugar to 2 tsp
  • use oat flour (made with gf oats) or ground almonds instead of whole wheat flour.

Single Serve Peanut Butter Cookie (Vegan):

Single Lady Cookie-176

  • replace coconut oil with 1 tbsp peanut butter. If you want more of a neutral flavour, use a nut butter like almond, cashew, pecan or tahini instead.
  • reduce brown sugar to 2 tsp
  • reduce whole flour to 1 tbsp + 2tsp

107 thoughts on “Single-Lady, Chocolate Chip Cookie (Vegan with GF + PB cookie variations)”

  1. This is perfect for when my boyfriend goes out and leaves me to raid the baking cupboard in secret. Yes I eat secret cookies. Love the video as well.

    • me = flattered!
      you = awesome
      I always love your comments, you’re so lovely! 😀
      I made 4 of them today for the photos, plus two brownie ones I’m posting next week. It was so. hard. to not eat them ALL. So I ate two instead. HAH

  2. Looks amazing. I would add a big dairy-laden, egg rich scoop of vanilla ice cream, but that’s just because I’m a contrary pain in tha ass.

    • I was wishing for vanilla ice cream when I was making them, I literally would have put all up on that cookie if I’d actually had any! haha 🙂

  3. Wow. First: I think it’s awesome that you tested so many versions of these cookies! That’s like, a dream job — cookie scientist. Second: These look awesome (obv!). I have developed quite a fondness for whole wheat flour in chocolate chip cookies, and this recipe has me wanting to give coconut oil a try too. Third: I love that ingredients shot (especially the crumbling tin-shaped brown sugar!)!

    • yay, thanks Carey! It really was the best thing, I could just make cookies every night with the excuse of ‘recipe testing’ and other …food bloggy… words…
      Ooh yes, it give them so much more flavour and texture, it’s so good! I’m so into coconut oil, it’s unreal.
      It was so satisfying making that set up for that shot, crumbling brown sugar is SO much fun!
      (p.s. I totally need to comment on your ginger tonic! in fact, doing it noowwwww!) x

  4. I second Carey’s comment! That ingredients shot is awesome! And that last gif… seriously, this blog would be really dangerous for anyone trying to lose weight, like me, despite, or maybe because, of the fact that cookies are made with whole wheat flour, maple syrup, coconut oil, etc. etc. I’m a rationalizer, and I would stuff my face, hahaha.

    • Thank you Linda! Aahaha I know, I think my blog makes people cry waaay to often :/ yes I like the way you think and i literally did just that: you see how I made 4 cookies there? Yeah? I devoured 1 1/2 of them before I’d even finished the photos.

  5. Izzy! You are a genius! This looks great! I have recently seen the light when it comes to single serving treats! Waaay better for your waistline!

  6. Lovvvvvve this! Best cookie blog post EVER. How do you know what we want before we even know what we want?! 🙂

    ps. I am making all the versions!!

  7. The video is so great! And who wouldn’t love an individual, semi-healthy, single-dish, chocolate chip cookie in a flash??? Amazing.

  8. This trend of cookies for one is dangerous… does it still count if you cook multiple “for one” cookies and eat them all?? haha

  9. Oh my god you are insane. In the best possible way. !!!!!! There are basically no words to describe how excited I am for these. My friend is coming over tonight and I think we might have to make these. Izy, your photography is just stunning!!! (Also: I’m watching the Of Monsters and Men cover and whoever is playing the ukele is super talented. Also, your complexion is FLAWLESS. I’m in awe.)

    • thanks Erika! :))) I told my friend, Bea, the Ukulele-player, she says thank you! haha, it realy isn’t in real life, but thank you again!!

  10. That looks AMAZING! I love how visually incredible your blog is and how absolutely wonderful your recipes are! Inspiring me to get baking right now! X

  11. OH MY GOSH those look amazzinnn!!! It must be hard controlling yourself and not eating all of them… I know I would eat em in two seconds.
    Also, do us americans really have accents to you? 🙂

  12. Oh I’ve died and gone to heaven, I so have to make these when everyone else is out or I won’t get a look in or I suppose I could make a few! Well done on such a lovely post, mouthwatering as always:-)

  13. These cookies are legit changing my life right now. I’m eating one fresh out of the oven and it is beyond delicious. Thank you!

  14. Love the video! I liked the music too, which was completely new to me. 🙂
    This sounds like my version of cookie heaven, btw. Single, extra-big serving, kinda healthy (for a cookie, you know), and with all that dark chocolate and the sprinkling of sea salt…
    Gorgeous photos, as always. You’re so talented.

    • thanks Alexandra! Go listen to more of them, Alpine is awesome!!
      Exaaaaactly! This is my ideal cookie 🙂

  15. Absolutely gorgeous. And the final product is so beautiful. Everyone is going to have to have a ready drool bowl when they look at these shots.

  16. How you managed to restrain yourself from adding all that chocolate to the one baked in the video is beyond me. I sure wouldn’t have been able to!

    • oh man, I know, but I had to restrain myself so you would actually be able to see cookie under the chocolate in the photos haha

  17. This is my kind of cookie! I love how thick and gooey it is, and how the chocolate got all melty. Did I mention the pictures are incredible as well? Next time I need a quick and easy cookie, I’m comign straight to here. Yum!

  18. This looks epic! I always bake too many cookies then end up eating them all – here is my perfect solution!!

    • I know, I’m always looking for ways to just.stop.the.cookie.consumption. Although, they’re waaay too easy to make, so I just ended up making them twice on the weekend haha 🙂

  19. I really love the videos, the gifs, and the picture of ingredients, so neat and creative. Those gifs are in my phone so whenever I’m hungry, all I need to do is look at them, yummm~ the chocolates are looking sexy.
    Gonna try this recipe this weekend, thank you.

  20. wait so if im just using regular butter how much should i put in?!?!? please help me!!

    ps. this blog is seriously making me want to come home every day from school and bake bake bake!!!! thanks for all the delish recipies 🙂

    • just use the same amount as with the coconut oil – 1 1/2 tsp 🙂
      thank you!
      (p.s. sorry I only just approved your comment, it went into my spam filter!)

  21. Speaking of sassy….TSwift’s got nothing on you, hun. (Okay no, she was pretty darn freakin’ awesome sassy, but my point still stands. And what the heck, you got to go to Brits–amazing?! How was the view from wherever you were at?)

    • HAHAHA, thanks Ala 😉 I know right!!? My friend’s dad got us 2nd row tickets facing the stage!!! :O

  22. This looks so great! I’m a single lady so it’s just what I need 🙂 question about the gluten free version – do you have to replace the coconut oil w/ a nut butter or is that just to make it a pb type cookie? Couldn’t tell from the variations. Thanks!

    • Thanks Amanda! Yep, you have to use 2 tsp of nut butter (use a neutral nut butter like almond or pecan for a chocolate chip cookie) instead of the coconut oil, and only 2 tsp of sugar for the gluten free version 🙂

  23. Love everything about this. Thanks for procuring a recipe for us singletons. Also, your photos are beyond dazzling…seriously, my p & s camera is getting antsy from all the glares coming from me. 😉

    • Thank you Valerie! Haha, I didn’t realise you had a point and shoot, your photos are fantastic!! :O

  24. Just found my way to your blog and it’s so beautiful!! Um, and this cake looks pretty amazing. Love the little animation, hehe 🙂

  25. This is all I need in this snowy surrounding that’s supposed to be called Spring… this cookies might heal this wound 🙂
    Looks amazing, and your pictures are gorgeous as always!

  26. Oh boy, I have all sorts of love for this cookie! For one thing, cheers to the single ladies out there! And secondly, it looks freaking delicious. Hello deep dish. Swoon.

  27. Finalllly made one of these babies tonight! I adore you, Izy. Haha it was excelllllent. I would’ve instagrammed it, but it was gone in about 2 seconds once I took it out of the oven. Gooey deliciousness.

  28. OMG, I love this. Are you really 17? (just read your about page). You are the cutest thing ever and have some mad baking skills. . love this and love the video! so glad I found your blog! (thru Call me Cupcake)

  29. Such a great idea! I just made this but it was a little on the dry side-perhaps I didn’t measure the coconut oil very well? It was delicious nonetheless, I devoured it in about a minute. I just discovered your blog and I’m loving it! Keep it up! 🙂

    • Yeah the timing for these can be a bit if a pain because the edges dry out if you overbake it by even a minute 🙁

  30. Made this tonight with honey and butter instead of maple syrup and coconut oil, and baked it in a muffin tin to make it extra thick- so good! You are amazingly talented for a teenager. This site is beautiful and I can’t wait to try more of your recipes!

  31. THANK YOU for providing gluten free options on your wonderful site! I made two of these last night and I couldn’t believe that I could have a gluten free chocolate chip cookie that tasted so great! I used tahini for the nut butter, used honey instead of maple syrup and omitted the brown sugar the second time around. So good! I can’t wait to try your other recipes!

  32. I tried your original recipe yesterday (the one with wheat flour), it’s AMAZING. I’ll try the gluten-free version soon. Thanks and bravo!

  33. I just made this in my loneliness this saturday evening, but I exhanged 2 tbsp of flour with cocoa, and it was just as good! lovely easy-peasy recipe! 🙂 thank you

  34. Superyummy!
    I subbed the wheat flour for almond flour and coconut flour, worked really well! Still came out sticky and gooey 🙂

    Btw, I saw your recipe for Kladdkaka, looked awesome! So proud to be swedish 😉 haha

  35. Love this recipe! I didn’t really do the all the way vegan thing
    though . I used browned butter and white chocolate , but still
    used syrup. My Mom , Aunt , and I loved it. Really great seeing
    another girl my age interested in baking as much as me!

  36. the best recipe! thank you so much! I treated myself and baked one last night; added in caramel stevia essence and omitted the maple, still soo delish and rich.

    I linked to your page on my blog too – just because your cookie spoon scoop pics are so mouth watering! (:

    thanks again ♡

  37. I just made this and loved it!!! I am really picky with my chocolate cookies, but it was absolutely delicious! You are amazing >3

  38. Hello! I’ve been making this recipe of yours for several months now, seeing as I usually see baking a whole batch of cookies too time-consuming (read: I’m lazy) and don’t have to worry if I have enough chocolate on hand (I mean, there is never enough chocolate, but you can’t exactly make 64 chocolate chunk cookies with two squares, right?). Obviously, I love it! New variations keep cropping up: a little chopped-up apple, cinnamon and cardamom; a few chunks of peach and chopped almonds, or – right at this very moment, and it’s delicious – unsweetened shredded coconut. Although I do have a separate “recipe” for one crispy cookie, I always recall this template when I crave something fudge-y. Well, okay, I use .5tbsp of sugar because I don’t like things that sweet, but it’s still from here if anyone asks! Thanks a lot! 🙂

  39. This is sooooooo amazing. I love baking, and I love baking for other people, but right now I live in a flat with a woman that can’t eat cakes, biccies etc. What’s a girl to do so as not to end up with an enormous cake or mound of cookies that… well, that are just going to get eaten? 🙂 It appears I now have the answer!

  40. Just made this on a cold, windy December night to eat curled up in bed with a slushy film. It didn’t look as pretty as yours, but it tasted BLOODY GOOD! 🙂 (The wee salt flakes are genius!) I think variation experimentation may well be following…

  41. Made this with peanut butter for a vegan friend, it is DELICIOUS. Seriously, it is like biting into a giant chunk of peanut butter, only there are chocolate chips involved. That, my friend, is pretty awesome.

  42. This looks amazing. I really want to try it, however, I also wanted to make them for my sister who is on a vegan, no sodium diet. 🙁 poor thing. Any idea on wether these would hold up without the salt in them?

  43. I tried this tonight (with a few variations for persona; taste and allergies) and it was *phenomenal!* Do you mind if I write about my experience making it on my blog, giving full credit for the original recipe to you?

    Thank you so much for sharing this easy DELISH recipe!!!

  44. Made it with 2 dinnerspoons of honey instead of the sugar and maple syrup and didn’t any baking powder or soda. I microwaved it for 1 minute and 10 seconds on 100 watts. It was really good and firm like a real cookie!

  45. I’d just like to let anyone know that might be curious – it’s wonderful with brown rice flour, and turned out perfectly!

    Thank you for the lovely recipe 🙂

  46. Oioioioi, I can’t believe what a treat I just discovered! This blog is amazing! You are amazing! These cookies – AMAZING! You have a huge fan in Norway! I look forward to our weekly cooperation from now on 🙂

  47. I’ve been wanting to make this for ages and tonight I finally did and and and I cannot begin to tell you how much I owe you for your recipe. I really wanted something nice for dessert and was contemplating going to the only vegan bakery where I live but it’s a little far and I really couldn’t be bothered considering I would not get something like this. And I finally gave the Peanut Butter version a shot and god damn. I was in heaven. And it was so quick and easy to make. <3 Eep. Definitely making another super soon. I used 100% Dark Chocolate so the sweetness of the dough worked perfectly to balance it while the chocolate was still nice and bitter. (:
    Thank you! <3 😀

  48. Oh my god! Finally, a vegan, gluten-free single-serving cookie recipe that works! This is amazing. I tried a couple of other recipes, but it always ended up coming out to dry. I also finally found a brand of carob-chips (which I have been preferring over chocolate chips lately) that taste good and actually melt. Anyways, this recipe was perfect. I made it with freshly ground almond butter, used melted ghee for the oil and coconut palm sugar. Delicious. I almost forgot what a real chocolate chip cookie tasted like. Thank you!!

    how would you adjust this to make it for mass consumption…meaning maybe a dozen or so cookies? I’m still relatively new to the baking world, and I have played with ratios before only to have them come out poorly.

    • Thank you! So glad you enjoyed them 🙂

      To scale up the recipe you just need to know that: 4 tbsp = 1/4 cup, 8 tbsp = 1/2 cup etc….
      Then you can just multiply the ingredients to make however many cookies you want!

  49. 5 stars
    I just ❤️ all your recipes but I am vegan and love the small batch chocolate chips just made them just know so delicious 🤤. Just had to tell you this.

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