Healthy(ish) Single-Serve Brownie (Vegan)

single serving vegan brownie in a heart shaped tin

A single serving brownie, ready in 10 minutes?? The perfect antidote to a random chocolate craving?? YES indeed it is. As with my single serving deep-dish cookie recipe, this one is SO easy and bloody delicious.

single serving vegan brownie on a tray with other single serving cookies

The method is simple: warm the coconut oil and syrup in the baking dish you’re going to use by popping it into the oven for 1 few minutes. Next, mix in the remaining ingredients (flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, salt) to make a dough and press in a healthy handful of chocolate chips. Bake for 5-6 minutes and there you have it! A simple, single-serve chocolate brownie which just happens to be vegan.

Healthy(ish) Single-Serve Brownie (vegan)

A healthy(ish) single serving vegan brownie, ready in 10 minutes for all your chocolate cravings! Made with maple syrup, cocoa powder and coconut oil.
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Course: Bars and Brownies
Cuisine: American
Keywords: brownies, chocolate, dairy free, egg free, single serve, small batch, vegan
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 5 minutes


  • 1 tsp coconut oil or neutral oil (or butter – obvs butter isn't vegan, but it does the job for non-vegans)
  • 1 tbsp maple syrup, golden syrup, agave syrup or honey (the honey- again, isn't strictly vegan)
  • pinch of baking powder
  • pinch of salt
  • 4 tsp whole wheat flour , (or all purpose, or white whole wheat)
  • 1 tbsp cocoa powder
  • ~1 tbsp chocolate chips or chopped chocolate , (I go for 70% upwards)


  • Put the first 2 ingredients into a ramekin/any small oven proof dish thing. Put onto a baking tray and then into an oven which is preheating to 350°F (180°C), for 1 minute just so the coconut oil melts.
    1 tsp coconut oil or neutral oil, 1 tbsp maple syrup, golden syrup, agave syrup or honey
  • Remove from the oven and stir in the baking powder and salt, then the flour and cocoa (it's easier if your ramekin/dish has high edges. If it's too hard to mix, just pour the contents into a small bowl, mix and smooth into the ramekin/dish).
    pinch of baking powder, pinch of salt, 4 tsp whole wheat flour, 1 tbsp cocoa powder
  • Smooth the dough in the dish and scatter over the chocolate chips, pressing them in slightly. Bake for 5-6 minutes, until it has risen slightly, and is still pretty soft in the centre (you really don’t want to over-bake it; under-baked is waay better than over-baked in this case). Eat while still warm.
    ~1 tbsp chocolate chips or chopped chocolate


For the gluten free/ grain free version:
– replace the coconut oil with 2 tsp of almond butter (or another nut butter)
– replace the flour with 1 tbsp of ground almonds
Tried this recipe?Let me know how it went! Mention @izyhossack or tag #topwithcinnamon!

77 thoughts on “Healthy(ish) Single-Serve Brownie (Vegan)”

  1. Well, I know what I’m making tonight! These recipes are perfect for when I’m procrastinating but want to pretend that I’m not – quick and easy. Looove.

  2. I have no good excuse to not make this right this second right now!
    Except that I work in a cupcake shop and repeatedly did ‘quality control’ tastings on our Chocolate Guinness cupcake today..
    Will power whyyyyy?!

    I will however eventually and cannot wait to make this!

    • That sounds like my kind of job!! Quality control just has to happen whenever food is made, right? Especially if chocolate is involved 😉

  3. Man, this is waaaaaaaaay too dangerous. Seriously, the only thing that is stopping me from making this RIGHT NOW is the fact that I don’t have a tiny pan. How do I not have a tiny pan? That must be remedied asap.

    Also, I totally had a mini breakdown when I opened up Google reader and got that “As of July 1…” message. Why, Google…..why???! It’s especially upsetting because I hadn’t used anything besides email to subscribe to blogs up until a couple months ago, and I was so proud of myself for finally joining the 21st century. Feedly was the alternative I was looking at, so I guess I’ll probably make the switch to that sometime soon. SIGH. But hurray for the Facebook page! Finally! 😀

    • I don’t even know why I have a zillion tiny pans and ramekins, I then when I see them I buy them just because they’re SO CUTE!!

      Haha I knowwww, I was thinking “this has to be a joke, right?????” Ughhh. YES FINALLY! It literally has taken me nearly 2 years to do it…better late than never :/

  4. Individual gooey brownie? Yeah. AKA, crisis management system. I could sure use one of these little guys right now!

  5. This recipe is beautiful. Also may I please have a couple of your many awesome mini baking dishes?

  6. Woman! You’re killing me! This looks amazing and I still haven’t made that single-lady cookie yet (it’s totally on “the list”. I’ll get there).

  7. Holy yum!! I need to make this now!! Looks so darn fudgey! And you’re not the only one who names machines haha!! My stand mixer is called Chalky (I honestly have no idea why) and my hand mixer is called Junior (because he’s smaller than my stand mixer, embarrassing I know…) I also have an addiction to naming cars, but that’s a whole other story!!

  8. These single-lady recipes are creeping into my routine on a far too regular basis. Oh and going back to your beer bread post, my friend totally spilt red wine all over the sofa on Saturday. I turned into a crazy lady with the stain remover…all clean now though!

    • I know, I kept ummmm ‘testing’ the recipe to make sure it was okay…heh heh heh

      Omg nooo, thank goodness!!

  9. That cake is so fudgy and gooey and wonderful looking – I want to dive into it! Love the heart-shaped pan you used, too! So pretty!

  10. I love these single-lady cookies and brownies you’ve got going on. They look FABulous and so easy too! And the molten center? I think that’s how every brownie should be.
    Sorry about your computer troubles! That’s always a bummer, but I think it was probably time to let go of that old guy. 😉

    • Me too (although my waist might not be…. :/) of course, it’s the only way to go!! Thanks, it was time 🙁 bu now I’m getting a new super awesome computer wooooh

  11. I’m with you, I am a bit devastated about Google Reader shutting down. But am stubbornly resisting making a facebook page for the moment! I need this brownie in my life, it really does sound like the best thing ever.

    • It was the worst thing ever when I found out 🙁 I know, Now im distracted by fb even more! Yes you do 😉

  12. hahhaa, you’re such a hoot! And I definitely can’t wait to read even more of your typed words 🙂

  13. Anything that has “molten fudge” as a part of its name is an automatic “who what where????” for me. These look as amazing as they sound, too! So nice and gooey! And I adore your little heart-shaped pan. So cute and fun! I’ve been meaning to get some more fun-shaped baking pans lately, you’ve inspired me to get on it, lady!

    • Hahaha, same here!! Thank you :)) I just found them a few weeks ago and I keep using them now!! You totally need to get on it 🙂

  14. It’s so dangerously easy to make, it’s ridiculous. A heartwarming chocolaty fix within minutes, how wonderful id that?

    • I made this in the microwave and without any cocoa powder! Just used 2 T of chopped chocolate and nuked for 60 sec on medium power. Delicious!

  15. Holy Moly this looks incredible! Where has your blog been all my life, I’ve just found it. Love how vegan-friendly so many of your recipes are 🙂
    P.S Just moved to feedly too- seems pretty good as a google reader replacement so far

  16. Fantastically awesome! Love the light in the 2nd photo and all of these photos in general. Your creativity with text as graphic is always so well done. Nice work lady! Honey and all….haha

  17. though not really a “chocolate tooth” I fell in love with your pic…and I don’t know if it’s seeing the recipe or a bald cold calling for comfort food but Saturday night I really craved for a chocolate dessert. I seized this perfect timing for trying this browny (using agave nectar…but I’m not a vegan 😉 ) however the dough was suspisciously hard, not like a cake batter, so I added some fresh puree pumking-about two tbsp (I was cooking baby’s dinner) and it went out perfect: soft, moist, very comfy. The only drawback was that it took more than 5 mn (about 15-20) to cook…but it was worth waiting!

  18. Girl, you’re killing me with all of these single-lady recipes…and it’s a beautiful way to die. Y-U-M!

  19. Just made this. WOW! I recommend this to ANYONE who loves chocolate. I used milk instead of oil and it turned out perfectly moist and decadent. Only problem? It’s too small! DEFINITELY going to double it next time. I calculated it as 220 calories, which isnt too bad at all!

  20. OMG! I just made this and doubled the portion size.

    A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! Thank you so much for sharing this! Love it!! I just had a bad final exam today and this recipe was a small piece of gooey goodness in my day 🙂
    And it’s totally up to my idea of “healthy” standards hahaa virgin coconut oil is amazing with the chocolate flavour <3

  21. This looks amazing! I no longer eat dairy or grains and CRAVE chocolate desserts.

    I can’t wait to try this in a GF-DF version!

  22. They look so delicious, I love this blog and brownies! I am going to have to give them a go this weekend.

  23. This my favorite dessert right now! So delicious. Thanks so much. I love single serving baking, and I am going to post a single serving cinnamon roll recipe on my blog soon.

  24. Wow, sign me up for chocolatey goodness! Where on earth can I find those adorable baking pans though? I want a little heart brownie! Gotta try this out!

  25. As a vegan I want to apologize for the ignoramus vegans who feel the need to rail on you for using honey in a recipe. Any vegan in their right mind already knows that honey can be subbed for any number of things (agave, maple syrup, brown rice syrup, whatever). They’re just trying to cause a fuss. Maybe it’s because there are so many silly misconceptions out there about vegans (“but you eat fish, right?” *facepalm*) and the kind of crazy we get confronted with on the daily drives them crazy and makes them super defensive? That’s the best I can do to try to justify this behaviour.

    I also want to thank you for embracing vegan baking even though you’re not! Rock on.

  26. Love this !! I tried and it turned out amazing…just wondering though, can we sub the flour to oat flour ? Do you think it would give as good of a result ?

  27. Yum! ♥ single serving desserts — leaves more room for embarking upon new creations more frequently 😉

  28. Well. I thought this would be another squidgy, healthy tasting brownie. Or worse – dry. Or sandy. Or (barf) rubber-y. I have made a lot of single serving desesrts both in the microwave and in the oven, and more often than not they disappoint. I was thinking it might just taste okay, but it was actually quite delicious. The only change I made was following your advice; I used ground almonds to make this gluten free. The chocolate brownie was very, very molten and the edges were crisp, which I liked. The dark chocolate sprinkled on top was a very elegant touch. The only thing I didn’t like was the taste of coconut – I thought it was a bit too overpowering. But what can I complain about? This is a keeper, and I know what I’m going for when a craving strikes. Not just as something to fill my stomach up, but something my taste buds will thank me for. Next time I will use less coconut oil and perhaps a bit almond butter. Thanks so much for this recipe!

  29. YUMM!! Just made this and it totally satisfied my vegan cravings. I skimped on the honey a bit and turned out a little bitter, so next time I will be sure to add the full tbsp. Thank you!!

  30. Just made this, and the chocolate chip cookie for one dish – little practise runs as I thought they’d be perfect healthy-ish deserts for Easter Sunday dinner tomorrow night 😉 And oh myyyy days tHEY are delicious!I substituted the coconut oil for margerine, and used white all-purpose flour for both and they worked a treat- infact I made them again straight after so my best friend could try them (i definitely went back for a second nibble ha).. They taste so indulgent and not over-filling yet really aren’t that unhealthy!? it’s crazy! However I was just wondering if you think oat flour may work with either the brownie or the cookie recipe instead of white? It’s just a little less calories than white flour so could feel even less guilty about them if it can be used 😉 but thank you so much for the recipe they really are amazzze!

  31. Soooooo good! This is seriously the best vegan brownie recipe I have ever tried! Also for my fellow vegans, Earth Balance’s vegan butter works perfectly in this recipe in replacement of the coconut oil.

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