
Izy Hossack portrait

Hi, I’m Izy! A Londoner with a BSc degree in Food Science & Nutrition at the University of Leeds. I thrive on Earl Grey tea, reading everything I can about food and eating cake batter straight from the bowl. I also work as a food stylist, recipe writer and food photographer (you can check out my portfolio here).

Here on my blog, you’ll encounter my experiments of making a multitude of culinary delights – mostly sweet – ranging from the indulgent to the wholesome and hearty.

In September 2014, I published my first cookbook, Top With Cinnamon. You can read all about it here! .

Then in July 2017, I published my second cookbook, The Savvy Cook, which you can read about here.

A few of my fave ingredients are courgettes, rhubarb, tahini, bittersweet chocolate, Maldon salt, pecans and maple syrup. That pretty much sums me up.

Anywho, thanks for visiting my blog, enjoy and comment! 🙂

About Flexitarianism and why I make lots of vegan recipes

I’ve grown up pretty much eating everything under the sun but, just before going to university, I decided to drastically reduce my intake of meat for environmental reasons. I’m still now what I call a ‘flexitarian’ i.e. I eat meat maybe once a month (but that’s not a hard rule). I also try to make ‘veganised’ versions of a lot of recipes for the blog since then I can generally use less animal products.

I believe the intention behind doing something can matter just as much as the action itself. For me, the environmental reasons to reduce intake of animal products are so strong, I really don’t mind doing it. Plus the fact I’m not completely banning myself from eating anything means I don’t feel restricted. If eating this way were to ever start to impact my body image, mental health, physical health etc negatively, I would change it. 

About my recipe measurements

You may be thinking ‘hey you live in the UK? I assumed you were American based on all the volume measurements and such’. Well you can put that down to how I learned to bake – from my American-Italian mum. I grew up making her hand-written, family recipes, all measured in cups. I do usually put weight measurements into recipes as well since it’s a more accurate way to bake.

p.s. Camera wise:

I used a Canon 400D from January 2012 until November 2012, I then used a Canon 550 D (rebel t2i) until August 2013. I now use a Canon 5D Mark III. I used to exclusively use a 50mm f/1.8 lens but now mainly use a canon 35mm f/1.4 and a canon 24-70mm f/2.8 II USM lens. 

Concerning Credits and re-using images

I put a LOT of effort into every single one of my posts. The writing, recipes and especially photos are completely original (unless otherwise stated), so I would SUPER appreciate it if you would link back to my site if you:

  • use ONE image for a ‘link love’ or equivalent type post (if you would like use more than one image, I would appreciate it if you would ask me first, there’s a 90% chance I’ll say sure)
  • adapt my recipe and post it to your site
  • or use any other content from Top With Cinnamon.

Please do not just copy and paste my whole recipe to your website; I know there’s only a number of ways of saying ‘mix these ingredients’, but I feel that if you’re going to be just copying and pasting my recipe, you might as well just link back to my post where you found the recipe.

contact me: [email protected]



82 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hello,

    I a 17 year old blogger based in Norwich (sometimes in London), I just stumbled upon your blog (I think it was alongside mine in the “little blog awards”). I love your photography a skills which I am yet to fathom, (do you use lights and all that jazz?!)

    Ben x

    • Hallo thar! Yay, always good to hear from a (slightly) London-based, teen food blogger! Thank you mucho, nah just natural lighting, and a DSLR 🙂 x (sorry for all the weird words I just used, it’s just what I do :/ )

  2. I’m constantly in awe and jealousy of the amazing other teen foodbloggers I see! you’re gorgeous as are your photos! congrats girl 🙂 you’re amazing

    -Mikayla @ myfairbaking.blogspot.com

  3. You already take fantastic photos. You can see you put in a lot of effort. Great job, I hope you do keep up blogging for many years as well .

  4. Hey Izy!
    I love your blog, especially the photography! Looking at your recipes/directions/images, I would have never guessed that you were in your teens! Thats awesome:)
    What lens/camera do you use? Really curious!

  5. Hi Izy!
    You are one talented young lady! I couldn’t believe that you are only 16. This is a beautiful blog. Your photographs and props are amazing. Your baked goods look wonderful. Please keep it up.

  6. Heya Izy! Just stumbled upon your blog and I must say it is pretty amazing! I’m new to the whole food blogging scene and your pictures are incredible, you are such an inspiration, keep up the good work!

  7. I cannot believe you are only 16! Your site is beautiful – the design, the pictures, the gifs, and of course, the food! Keep up the good work!

  8. My friend Melissa (at Juliasbookbag.com) just recommended your blog so I had to stop by and give it a look. I just wanted to let you know it looks fantastic. Have a great weekend and I wish you success with your blog and with your schoolwork.


  9. Hello! Just stumbled across your blog. I am a 18 year old food blogger from Oregon. US. I love seeing other young food bloggers, pushes me to keep blogging! 🙂
    Keep up the good work!

  10. Oh my gosh, I’m in LOVE with your blog! You have such an amazing way of displaying the recipes, I can’t believe you’re so young!
    Huuuuge admirer!

    Keep it up and much love,

  11. Oh my god. You’re great. I’m 16 and currently trying to teach myself how to cook and I was looking for a croissant recipe and your recipe with the gifs is FABULOUS. The gif idea and your photography are just perfect and its amazing to see how committed and passionate you are about your cooking. Seriously. You’re amazing and keep doing what makes you happy!

  12. Hi, I’m a newbie baker (no talent with flour) & a blogger too :P. I just came across your blog today, and even though I haven’t try out your recipes yet, all the GIFs helps me understand the instructions better! Thanks for the great effort & I have more confidence in baking now!

  13. I’m impressed…..while I’m not easily impressed with food blogs. You’re young, creative, and I kept coming back to see your posts. In short, I love how you design your blog.

  14. I’ve just stumbled upon your blog and I already love it – your recipes are so tempting and your photography skills are amazing. I have one question though – being based in London (and presumably British) as you are, why do you use US cooking terminology? Just wondering because as an English girl myself who is slightly suspicious of measurements in cups I always worry when following US-style recipes…

  15. I absolutely love your blog and your photography is flawless. I was wondering what you use to edit your pictures? And do you have any tips on food photography? xoxo

  16. Hi Izy! I just found your blog and wanted to let you know that it is beautiful and I am so impressed by the fact that you’re only 17! I just started a blog this year and totally understand how much work goes into it when you have to use the only free time you have to photograph on the weekend. My photography is no where near as good as yours, but I feel your pain. Anyway, great job and keep up the good work! 🙂

  17. we watched ur video in my literacy class today . It was fun and it made me hungry. I get kicked out of class most of the time , but i stayed to the end cuz my teacher said we were watching a video so i was like ok lets see what its about. Do you have a favorite candy recipe? the vid was cool the way u made it can u send me a message cuz i dont really look at this kind of things and i wont look at it but if u message me i will get it and answer 🙂

  18. Izy, Thank you for your recipes and great photos, too… As someone who has worked in publishing, I appreciate and applaud your message asking others to credit your work. It is theft to do otherwise, and shame on those who do. Your sense of composition and the items you choose for your photos is great! I’m going to try your lemon muffins… will substitute a couple of ingredients for health reasons; they look yummy. Keep up the great blogging!

  19. Beautiful blog with beautiful pictures of awesome looking recipes! When I stumbled across your blog I thought it belonged to a person of perhaps mid-30s. Wow, only 17! I’ll be coming back here often for sure. Keep it up 🙂

  20. Izy, your blog and recipes are incredible! As a young blogger myself, I was curious if you used any fancy editing software and all that other jazz (and any beginner blogging advice). What an inspiration you are!


  21. Hi Izzy! You have such a gorgeous blog! So happy I found it! I’m a 16 year old blogger over here at Modern Girl Nutrition! 🙂 Can’t wait to read more!

  22. Hey Izy! Just found your blog and OMG – I love it! I’m a 14-year-old blogger and I totally understand how much effort blogging takes. I am definitely coming back, and looking forward to many more recipes! 😀

  23. I’ve been receiving your blog posts by email for a few months (probably more like 6) and I’m really not sure how that came about. Likely one of your recipes someone posted on Facebook, but regardless, I always enjoy your posts, love your recipes and today I finally came to your actual blog to find that your 17. Um, wow is all I can say. You have an incredible future ahead of you. You are very talented in everything you share with us here. Your baking skills, photography, writing, humor. All superb and while you talk of school, I thought you were in college, or graduate school. Keep up the amazing work. I am definitely a fan. Good luck to you always!!

  24. HI
    I’m Erin Iam 9

    I am just starting learning to cook .I am going int year 5 .My mum showed me you website it is amazing.
    I can cook about 7 or 8 things
    I was soooo inspired .I am going to make your salted caramel and chocolate chip biscuits


  25. Whoaaa, your photography is absolutely stunning! It’s inspiring to know that someone the same age as me (and my fellow two Crumpets) runs a successful food blog. Keep bloggin’ and I’ll keep reading~ Mind dropping by our currently-in-the-works food blog too? 😉 Hopefully our posts are interesting too…

    Love from one of the Rachels (aka Coconut Crumpet)

  26. Hey!

    I just had to let you know that you remind me sooo much of my friend, your ‘voice’ /text talk is the EXACT SAME and she loves fashion and baking too!

    I also love baking, the cookies sound unreal, I haven’t looked at your page fully yet but if you’ve yet to do a tiffin recipe could you do one pretty please?

    Thanks and great work!

    Ciara from Ireland 🙂

  27. I love the colours that make up your menu and logo, the greens/grey/brown, do you have the Pantone reference or names for them? Great images.

    Thanks a lot!

  28. Hi there
    I am a cookbook writer working on my next book about young chefs and bakers for a major American publisher. I learned of your blog/work through another interviewee–canela vita–and i thought i’d reach out to you and your parents about possibly including you in the book. I would like to share more details, including my bio, if you are willing–and only with your parents’ permission. If so, please email me at the above and cc: them and I will share more details.
    many thanks!

  29. Hey there! 🙂
    Sounds weird but you just became my inspiration haha! I also love baking (lately school has kept me from doing it), I also want to live in London after I graduated and run a blog! So yeah, basically you are the person I want to be one day aha anyways going to try out the croissants recipe now and surprise my mom when she comes home!
    Meggie xx

  30. Okay, mind blown…I have been reading your blog all day on this snowy afternoon and just read that you are 17! Your recipes are incredibly refreshing, beautifully photgraphed and truly innovative. I thought for sure the author of this blog was some French trained pastry chef! Kudos to you, look forward to seeing what’s next! 🙂

  31. hey, I’m 17 as well, starting out in the blogging world, and I can’t believe you already have such a successful blog! You are such an inspiration to all of us young bloggers (:

  32. Wow! I have a feeling your going to make it in this crazy world little lady!! Such good stuff here. So glad I found your blog! Just made your croissants tonight (and, er, yesterday…ah hell well they are still in process 🙂 anyway cant wait to finally eat them!

  33. Hi!

    I’ve just found your blog. I can’t believe I’ve been missing a wonderful blog that filled with great photo and delishhhhh recipe (yes, i made your healthy banoffee this morning) for so long!

    Thank you, Izy, for creating such a heart-warming blog.


    Ps. I’m a 22 from bangkok, thailand 🙂

  34. Hello!
    I came across your (wonderful) blog when searching for a croissant recipe. I am now convinced that all recipes should include .gifs. Seriously. I just wanted to let you know that after browsing your site some more, I’ve decided that I’m going to come move in with you and be your guinea pig for all the yummy things you make. :))

  35. I am so excited to learn about a fun person! I can’t wait to follow along your adventures with a subscription (and country) a way!

  36. Hi!
    I just came across your blog not too long ago and I have to say I am TOTALLY IN LOVE! The photos are truly amazing as well as the recipes. I can just stare at the desserts all day and feel happy (total sweet-tooth over here :P).
    I can see the amount of effort and time you put into creating this blog and it really shows. It is just a delight to read. 🙂
    I am so excited about your cookbook and you can be sure I will be there to get a copy!
    Keep up the amazing work!


  37. What’s up, its good post about media print, we all be familiar with media
    is a wonderful source of facts.

  38. I’ve just read your updated about me page (obv or i wouldn’t be commenting duh) you are such a cutie! LOVE the stripey bike! x p.s. biology is the bees knees

  39. Great blog. You are an inspiration and a fine example to other young people (and not so young). This is pleasing to see. Thankyou.

  40. Hi there,

    I’m never one to write cheesy comments on blogs, but I’m super in love with your little corner here! I’m 23 and an uber foodie, always trying up new things in the kitchen and baking since I can remember. Along with all this I’ve thought on and off of starting a blog to keep myself organised but never get round to doing it and your posts just make me wanna jump to it! You started so young, along with school the whole time, with awesome photos and now have a fantastic blog, super high five and certainly got an avid follower now too 🙂

    PS: Can’t wait to make your Rhubarb, Grapefruit and Thyme Cocktails now that summer has finally arrived in London!

  41. I found your site from A Beautiful Mess and I can not wait to see more posts (I am following on Bloglovin)! I love your pictures!

  42. Hi there!

    Your blog is beautiful!I found it just now through a Pinterest pic by Travelling Mamma Tina Fussell and I too am coco-nutty (as I’m crazy for anything coconut) and intend to whip up..and probably devour a batch of the coconut bliss balls today!

    Your pics are fabulous, thank you for sharing the details on the camera. I’m just setting up a blog and about to dive into the world of photography so am very grateful when clearly talented peeps are happy to share.

    So thank you for what you do!! I’ll be sure to link to you when I’m up and blogging!

    Jo x

  43. Hi! Great blog! I love that you mention the measurements thing. I’m Canadian (we flip flop on our measurement system quite a bit as it is) and on top of that I’m living in Asia at the moment. So sometimes I find it difficult to keep things straight in my mind 🙂

  44. Hello beautiful soul 🙂 What a gorgeous blog!Lots of inspiration 🙂 Great recipes!And your photos – just WOW!Best wishes from Midlands x

  45. It’s always great to find a fellow Iz(z)y! I’m very impressed with your blog. Since I was 17, I’ve wanted to start a food blog (I’m now 20) but I never quite worked up the courage to do it. Your vegan recipes are wonderful, especially the orange spelt cake. Best of luck with your studies at uni; you’re an inspiration to many young bloggers. Keep up the tasty work!

  46. Hey Izy, I just wanted to say what an inspiration you are to me. I started following your blog about 2 years ago and it’s been insanely good to see how much your blog and brand has flourished in that time. When I first saw your book on the shelf of a boutique homewards store in Australia, I turned to my friend and said: “I know that girl!” She was like: “What?” And I was like: “Well, you know, I follow her blog.” 😉 No matter what you decide to do with your life, I hope you keep posting on this blog (or at least Instagram!). The world’s eyes and tummies are better places because of you 🙂 Kate x

  47. love it! i love to bake and cook AND i am bike crazy! favorite things to do: go for a 40-80 mile ride, come home and bake cookies/cakes/mixed vegetables/make elaborate soups and consume any or all of the above. i am also ‘back in school’ studying for advanced licensing. you go, girl!

  48. Izy – omgoodness. Your blog posts are so sophisticated…your photos are stunning. I always thought I should wait until after college to start a food blog. What an inspiration you are. xx kate

  49. Hi Izy!
    I’m a teenage baking blogger from New York, and I just wanted to say that I love your blog. I’ve heard about it from friends in the past but never really explored it until today (I spent much of the day going through your recipe archives!) I’m a huge fan of food photography and I really enjoy the way you stylize your shots. I started my blog last year, and websites like yours are always an inspiration. Keep up the amazing work!


  50. Hi Izy,

    Absolutely love your blog. It’s super cute and delicious looking. I’m actually working on starting up my own (think savoury before sweet) and just wondered where abouts you tend to get your food props? I’m based in London as well so would be great to know what websites or shops you go to.

    Thanks 🙂


  51. So happy to re find you! Used to follow your blog years ago when ‘sorted food’ were also beginning! Now you have cook books too great stuff. Many thanks Lisa from Hackney xxx

  52. Hi Izy,
    I’m a tween that’s been really into baking recently–especially since Covid hit. I was wondering how you started your blog or if you have any tips for starting one. Thank you in advance 🙂

  53. I came upon yourr site because I had just baked some lemon crinkle cookies and I noticed that the cookie absorbed most of the icing sugar instead of ‘crinkling’. I have had no such experience with my chocolate crinkle cookies. Your suggestion that we roll first in granulated sugar and then in icing sugar was a delightful surprise and I shall try with my next batch of lemon crinkle cookies. In addition, I am going to try the gingerbread/chocolate versions I have printed out from your site. Thanks so much for your thoughtful and knowledgeable site. I am definitely signing up for it.

    A Canadian mom and grandma

  54. Hi. Big, big credit for the effort you have put into your site. It is incredible and a testament to your amazing passion as well as your high standards. I am making your choc cake tomorrow. Fingers crossed! Regards, Sonny


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